notice to dog owners wondering, "what is all this flour then?"

Notice especially for residents of the City of Port Phillip and others with special needs for information.  From time-to-time the Hash House Harriers use biodegradable flour to mark a running trail.

This flour is not harmful to your child, dog, cat, or budgerigar unless they have celiac or are otherwise gluten intolerant.  We suggest you encourage your children to not eat random blobs of flour (or dog droppings) from the ground.  We encourage dog owners to chill out, pick up your dog's sh*t, hazmat suits will not be necessary if you see a flour trail mark.

Biodegradable adjective (of a substance or object) capable of being decomposed by bacteria or other living organisms and thereby avoiding pollution. 

HINT if there's a hash trail in your area, then chances are we are supporting a local business, and there may be trail about the place.  Is there a trail in your area? - check our next run page.

We never use suspicious flour.

You can be assured that City Hash House Harriers only ever use flour of the highest reputation and integrity.  Suspicious flour does not meet the rigorous standards of City Hash.